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It is September of 2018 already!!! As our Upward Bound tradition, we had our adult program potluck, which is when each student brings one or two dishes and share it together.


We need your help! If you are interested in helping us,                              please click on this link


現在已經是2018年的九月份啦!!! 作為我們志上的傳統,我們舉辦了成人班的便飯活動,意思是我們成人班的學生會帶一或兩道菜來分享給大家一起吃.





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After 400 days of online classes and 60 days of hybrid learning classes, 56% of students returned to Upward Bound Study Center (UBSC) for an in-person class setting. During the hybrid learning classes trial, students attended the in-person classes twice a week and online classes for the rest of the week. For the center reopening, UBSC is hosting the annual fundraising drive requesting your continual support as we continue to serve the San Gabriel immigrant community. About Upward Bound Study Center: Upward Bound Study Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit education organization that has served new immigrants in the San Gabriel Valley of Greater Los Angeles area through education and community formation since 1990. We strive to empower the community by providing its members with a place to learn, relate, and dream together.

Check out our Silent Auction page on –

Thank you for your support!