大家好,我叫 Flora,是一名大三学生。在过去的四年多时间里,我有幸能成为志上学习中心的志愿者之一。 志上学习中心是一个非盈利的学习中心,致力于帮助华人社区的家庭更好的融入当地的文化与生活。因为偶然的机会,我参加了志上的吉他兴趣班,之后还报名成为了这里的英文班助教,这个暑假也很高兴成为了英文班的一名老师。非常感谢志上的信任,给了我很多锻炼自己的机会。当志愿者最开心的事是可以看到学生的进步,还有看到每个来到志上的人因为参加志上的活动而收获快乐。在这期间我还参与过很多志上组织的课外活动比如说各类讲座和参观大学等,还有圣诞晚会这样的庆祝活动。通过这些活动,我结交了很多朋友,也留下了很多快乐的回忆。从高中到大学,志上见证了我的成长,我也见证了志上的成长。我相信以后志上也会越来越好,继续帮助有需要的人。 This is the first time for me to teach an online gaming design class and I’m impressed […]

After 400 days of online classes and 60 days of hybrid learning classes, 56% of students returned to Upward Bound Study Center (UBSC) for an in-person class setting. During the hybrid learning classes trial, students attended the in-person classes twice a week and online classes for the rest of the week. For the center reopening, UBSC is hosting the annual fundraising drive requesting your continual support as we continue to serve the San Gabriel immigrant community. About Upward Bound Study Center: Upward Bound Study Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit education organization that has served new immigrants in the San Gabriel Valley of Greater Los Angeles area through education and community formation since 1990. We strive to empower the community by providing its members with a place to learn, relate, and dream together.

Check out our Silent Auction page on – https://www.32auctions.com/ubsc_30plus1

Thank you for your support!