我的名字是 Cherry Wu. 感谢UBSC在今年为我提供的帮助。 当我第一次来时,我不敢和中班级 的Cody老师交谈。 我认为他是外国人,我非常害怕我会说出他听不懂的话或我听不懂他说的话 ,因为这会使我们的聊天非常尴尬。 而且因为我还太不熟悉这里,我刚加入UBSC。所以我很害 羞,但是David老师介绍了一些与我说广东话和普通话的朋友(这就是为什么我和ziqing会成为最 好的朋友,哈哈)。 我们的中级班还有一位老师,就是Kevin! Kevin老师是我们的grammar老师 ,我最期待的每周是他的课! 因为他的班级更有趣和幽默(另一个原因是因为我能听懂他,所以 上课就不会那么尴尬),Kevin的班让我们回顾过去并学习新的知识,并从中获得更多的新知识, 有时他也教我们新事物! 总体而言,UBSC使我认识了很多朋友和老师,并且当我放学后对作业 不了解时,我也向老师和朋友提问。 最重要的是在幸福中学习很多新知识! […]

After 400 days of online classes and 60 days of hybrid learning classes, 56% of students returned to Upward Bound Study Center (UBSC) for an in-person class setting. During the hybrid learning classes trial, students attended the in-person classes twice a week and online classes for the rest of the week. For the center reopening, UBSC is hosting the annual fundraising drive requesting your continual support as we continue to serve the San Gabriel immigrant community. About Upward Bound Study Center: Upward Bound Study Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit education organization that has served new immigrants in the San Gabriel Valley of Greater Los Angeles area through education and community formation since 1990. We strive to empower the community by providing its members with a place to learn, relate, and dream together.

Check out our Silent Auction page on – https://www.32auctions.com/ubsc_30plus1

Thank you for your support!