志上開學了暑期過後, 志上學習中心也在八月第三星期靜靜的恢復了我們的補習工作. 我們有中學和小學的課後細班英語作為第二種語言的基礎訓練, 也有數學和其它科的工課輔導. 我是一位數學的輔導老師. 我的工作就是在學生在學校網課後, 要是碰上疑難, 可以提供多一個機會用自己的母語向我們提出他們的疑問.我的工作是怎樣進行的呢? 我被分派了在星期一下午三時至五時在網上用Meet平台與同學會面. 有趣的是, 同學們不用到志上學習中心來; 他們可安坐家中, 只須用上自己的具攝像頭的手機在Meet平台輸入我們數學專用的輔導編碼就可與我遇上. 他們可用他們電話的咪把他們的問題告訴我. 而我就可以透過他們手機上的攝像頭, 看到他們的臉和表情. 要是他們有需要的話,還可以把攝像頭轉過來拍到他們數學習作的問題 .這樣, […]

After 400 days of online classes and 60 days of hybrid learning classes, 56% of students returned to Upward Bound Study Center (UBSC) for an in-person class setting. During the hybrid learning classes trial, students attended the in-person classes twice a week and online classes for the rest of the week. For the center reopening, UBSC is hosting the annual fundraising drive requesting your continual support as we continue to serve the San Gabriel immigrant community. About Upward Bound Study Center: Upward Bound Study Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit education organization that has served new immigrants in the San Gabriel Valley of Greater Los Angeles area through education and community formation since 1990. We strive to empower the community by providing its members with a place to learn, relate, and dream together.

Check out our Silent Auction page on – https://www.32auctions.com/ubsc_30plus1

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