Day 20

志上學習中心給我好多好多美好的回憶,帶給開心快樂,又有安全感,也帶給我認識的新朋友。 感恩有呢班老師同朋友在我開心或唔開心時都會陪伴我左右。 在我最低落嘅時候佢哋會介紹給我 有一位好朋友就係主耶穌基督給我認識,讓我可以在害怕,恐懼 開心與否都可以去倚靠著這位真 神。

Suzanne Huang, first attended UBSC 1992

Sharing by UBSC student: Haolin Wang

UBSC ​​A fun place

In UBSC, I learn more English.
In UBSC, I make new friends.
UBSC makes me get good grades in school UBSC is a good place to go to.


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