Day 14

我叫李銘。我以前是一名志上學習中心的學生,現在是恩上之家教會的一員,六年前, 在一次偶然的機會, 我的一位同班同學介紹了我去志上學習中心. 在他們的幫助下, 我找到了自己人生的方針. 他們教會了我許許多多的知識, 同時還教會了我如何去選擇自己喜歡的專業和怎麼樣去申請大學. 其中,補習社幫助我最多的是每一個學期他們都會組織一些戶外活動或者是帶我們去參觀大學, 這讓我體會到了美國的生活也讓我懂得了很多文化差異需要注意的事情, 也增進了我和補習社朋友之間的友誼.
我很感激志上學習中心和恩上教會的老師和朋友們,他們不斷地鼓勵我指導我,讓我成功地進入了我的夢想學校並找到了我人生的目標。很感謝神,帶我來到了這裡,也讓我轉學之後能夠繼續在這一個溫馨的地方侍奉。 六年的時間,這裡已經成為了我的第二個家,我不想離開這裡,我很珍惜現在神所賜給我的一切,讓我學會如何去珍惜現在自己所擁有的。 希望我能夠參與建設並讓這一個地方永遠運行下去,去幫助那些像我一樣需要指導需要幫助的人。

My name is Ming Li. I used to be a student of Upward Bound Study Center, and now I am a member of GCDC. Six years ago, one of my classmates introduced me to UBSC. With their help, I found a way to live my life. They taught me a lot of different things, and also taught me how to choose a major and how to apply for a university. Most importantly, these activities enhanced the friendship between me and my friends in the center.
I am grateful to the teachers and friends of UBSC and GCDC Church for their continuous encouragement and guidance, which helped me successfully get into my dream school and I’ve found my purpose in life. I am also very grateful to God for bringing me here and allowing me to continue to serve in this place after I transfer to another school. After six years, this has become my second home, and I don’t want to leave. I cherish everything God has given me now, so that I can learn how to cherish what I have now. I hope I can help continue to build and keep this place running forever, to help those like me who need guidance and help.

Sharing by May Li

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