Day 30

Sharing by the parent of student: Esther Teng
Upon first arriving in the United States, my son, Roger, who was not conversant in English enrolled in the Upper Bound Study Center. After attending UBSC for a year, he earned the Outstanding Progress Award at San Gabriel High School. Upon graduating from San Gabriel High School, he attended Mt. Sac College where he participated in the VEX Robotics World Competition where he represented the United States. While attending UBSC, Roger came to know God and developed a deep desire to serve His Lord Jesus. I deeply appreciate that he could not have made such progress without the careful guidance of the teachers at UBSC. Please consider donating to UBSC so that they can continue ministering to students during this their time of need. Please help to complete the fundraising for the UBSC in the last few days of the 30-day fundraising event. God bless you for your support.

我儿子刚来美國時不懂英文,經朋友介紹来到至上,通過一年的英語學習,他在San Gabriel高中獲得最佳進步奬。之後在大學裏,他代表美國參加了機器人世界錦標賽。同時,在至上, 他認識了上帝,相信了主并且跟隨了耶蘇基督。我深深的體會到他的進步離不開至上的老師的精心指導。為了能讓更多的學生獲得至上的幫助,請大家伸出援助之手,在30天的筹集活動的最後幾天幫助UBSC完成筹款,謝謝支持

Yibiao Ryan, Alumni

Study Center, I think of it as a place of beginning and a place that provides me with opportunity and helps. I came to the United States when I was thirteen and my English conversation is not as good as I wanted it to be. I failed to hold a normal conversation with people, and I was falling behind on schoolwork since my brain would not process the English words. My middle school counselor told me about Upward Bound Study, saying that is a place to help new immigrants to gain experience with English. Center. During my time at the center, I learned the basics of English such as sentence structure and grammar. I also hone my skill in reading a passage better. But the most important thing for me is the opportunity for me to speak English with an English speaker, namely the instructors there, without the need to worry about my bad grammar. I will not be where I am right now if I lack the UBSC experience. I also appreciate the fact that they hire me as an intern and as a teacher. It gave me invaluable working experience that would definitely benefit me. Lastly, I appreciate the fact that UBSC still trying to help people in this daunting time of a pandemic, and I certainly wish the center will stay strong and help out more people in need just like how I used to be.


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